Ranking of Kings Review: Watch Or Pass



Ranking of Kings is an anime that was produced by Wit Studio and written by Sōsuke Tōka. The show was first released on October 15, 2021. It is a coming-of-age, comedic adventure. You can also find it on Hulu, Crunchyroll, Funimation, and probably more. (All websites have different amounts of episodes or not all the episodes in the series.) It has 23 episodes right now, and luckily for fans, it is predicted for a return for season 2 in 2022. 

You first meet a tiny and deaf boy named Bojji. He is the first son of the number rank king, Bosse. Bojji is looked down upon by everyone and is bullied by the villagers because they think he is not fit to be king unlike his younger brother, Daida. However, one day Bojji is walking around the village and meets Kage. He is a shadow creature that can surprisingly understand Bojji’s broken English. Out of curiosity, he follows Bojji around, and they soon become very close. With Bojji’s new best friend Kage and his amazing determination, Bojji wants to be the number one king.

I think the plot is well thought out. I love the cute art style, and the characters’ backgrounds and development are beautifully done. The animation is simple and clean. Plus, the music is great. However, the show to me seemed really wholesome, but there is a minor dark side to it. I had to also get past the first couple of episodes to finally get hooked on it, but I think it is worth it. I personally enjoy this series, and it might be my favorite show of the year. I rate this 4 crowns out of 5.