Review of Annie, Jr.


Grace, Warbucks, Annie and Bert Healy (Alex Hughes)

Annie, Jr. was a great play at WSIS this year! The play was performed on Friday, May 20 and Saturday, May 21 and had great attendance. Both the cast and the crew worked very hard to put the show together and make it great. Everyone made so many memories throughout the year. Mrs. Boyce’s dog (Fudge) also had a big role as Sandy the dog! Ms. Corby is understandably proud of all the cast and crew. She said, “Annie Jr. was phenomenal thanks to a dedicated cast and crew who overcame many obstacles throughout production. Many long days and nights were spent in the theatre rehearsing lines, learning dances, and practicing songs.  There were many friendships made and tons of memories created.  The community absolutely loved it and I could not have been any prouder than I was on Opening Night watching from the audience as the kids put the show on, all by themselves.  I hope it inspired more kids to get involved in theatre as it’s a magical place where beautiful things are created from nothing.”

Here are some images from the play:

A huge shout-out to the eighth graders for a job well done:

Emily Lopez, Lucas Collins, Cara Schultz, Zoey Wiktorek, Abigail Van Wert, Gia Grasso, Brooke MacGregor, Amya Tarrant, Savannah Davis, and Carmella Vidota. Have a good freshman year!

And a shout-out to all the seventh graders:

Alex Hughes, Felicia O’Neill, Marina Baca, Lorenny Almonte Martinez, and Evanna Cleveland Hernandez. Have a great eighth-grade year!

Lastly, a final shout-out to all the sixth graders: 

Carleni Solano, Lila Fraunfelker, Emma Shalk, Aubrey Tesluk, Geralys Roman, Emily Marhefka, Ava Nitch, and Thomas Smith. Have a great seventh-grade year!

This play was an amazing theme for WSIS. Everyone who went had nothing but good things to say about this. I want to give another shout-out to Mrs. Boyce for allowing the students in drama to use her dog for Sandy. I want to give a shout-out to Ms. Corby as well, we wouldn’t have had a show without her help! Have a good summer!